Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 22 (and a half...)

"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." --1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (The Message)

We went to the specialist again yesterday for our weekly ultrasound to check on Junebug. There wasn't any visible changes...still no fluid! We did get to see all 4 chambers of the heart pumping away (161 bmp), which we haven't been able to see before.

There were a couple of funny things from the appointment:

  • Junebug had the hiccups during the ultrasound. It was pretty funny to watch the little bug twitch on the monitor and to know that's what I was feeling. 
  • He/She kicked hard enough that I immediately put my hand on my stomach and the ultrasound tech said she felt and saw it! Junebug was trying to tell her, "Leave me alone! Stop poking at me!" 
  • The baby was sucking on either their hand or arm. (We could see the jaw moving up and down, in a sucking motion with their arm up at their mouth.) 
Even though there wasn't anything that we would call "positive"...there were some humorous parts! This is the first appointment that we've had that they didn't tell us something super I will take that as a positive. :) 

We are still praying for a miracle for Junebug! Please continue to pray for our families as you pray for us! This is just as tough on the "grandparents" and "aunts and uncles" as it is on Rob and I! 

We appreciate everything that you have done for us this far! Your words of support and encouragement mean more than you will ever know. You (along with God) are helping to carry us through this rough time!


  1. Asking for prayers for us? You guys are so selfless. Junebug is one strong bug. So thankful for him (yep, I think it's a boy!) And for his parents. Love you guys!

  2. Allyson you are really a remarkable person. I am amazed every day at what a positive person you are. Junebug is so lucky to have you and Rob as parents. We are praying for you three and your family. Keep being positive- I know Junebug feels it!!
